0.7 L
Three Sixty Vodka is refined with an elaborate quadruple distillation and a unique diamond filtration.
BLACK 42 is the noble alternative to Three Sixty Vodka Original. Quadruple distilled and diamond filtered like the original – but with an adjusted alcohol content of 42% vol. Perfect for mixing. The spectacular, black bottle design with facet structure and the fine velvet label provide the ultimate nighttime feeling.
Three Sixty Vodka, is not without reason called the “diamond among vodkas”. Only the best wheat is used for its production. After a complex fourfold distillation process, the vodka is purified by Diamond filtration. Because only in this way can they be sure that Three Sixty Vodka meets the high qualitative standards. And yours, too.
With the help of Diamond Filtration, the distillate passes through several filter layers that are covered with diamond crystal dust. This removes even the smallest suspended particles from the distillate, allowing filtration down to 1 micron – one thousandth of a millimeter. By comparison, 15-30 microns is absolutely normal.
The result: a particularly pure and incredibly mild vodka directly from Berlin in Germany.